Prev Article: 1.1 - Quantitative Strategy Types

Searching for Strategies

How do you find good strategies? Here we will look at some considerations:

Data Mining vs Idea-Based

There are two main different camps of building strategies: Data Mining, or Idea-Based.

The data mining camp goes like this: "I wonder what factors drive price movements, so let's sift through the data to find these factors."

The Idea-based camp goes like this: "I have a hypothesis about how the price moves, and I want to test and design a strategy based on this hypothesis."

Different traders prefer different approaches. That said, there are glaring problems with the Data Mining approach:

The idea-based approach is also not free from problems if you use it wrongly.


In choosing strategies, you need to understand the profitability characteristics of that strategy. Why is it profitable compared to other strategies? Are there any risks that you take by choosing a more profitable strategy?

Before diving into what makes different strategies profitable, below we explain the main reasons why strategies are not profitable

As for what makes trading strategies profitable:

Regarding Risk premium, there is also the concept of skew:

Trading Styles

Knowing the profitability of your candidate strategy, the next step is to choose one that suits you. To do this, you need to understand your own trading style.

Below are a few trader archetypes.

Static vs Dynamic

Positive vs Negative Skew Preference

Fast vs Slow

Technical vs Fundamental

Portofolio Sizes

Contrarian vs Follower


Choosing a strategy is good and all, but we need to implement the strategy on some instrument class.

Here are a few considerations when choosing instruments.


Next Article: 1.3 - Backtesting